Access Azure Table Storage



Azure 儲存體總管

您可以上傳、下載和管理Azure 儲存體Blob、檔案、佇列和表格,以及Azure Data Lake Storage 實體與Azure 受控磁碟。設定儲存體權限和存取控制、階層及規則。 立即下載.

Azure Storage Explorer

Download Azure Storage Explorer today. Upload, download, and manage Azure Storage blobs, files, queues, and tables, as well as Azure Data Lake Storage ...

Azure Storage Explorer – cloud storage management

Upload, download, and manage Azure Storage blobs, files, queues, and tables, as well as Azure Data Lake Storage entities and Azure managed disks.


了解Azure 資料表儲存體的定價層。有許多階層可供選擇,需要多少儲存體容量就付多少,而無預付費用。

Azure 資料表儲存體文件

Azure 資料表儲存體文件. Azure 表格儲存體是可將結構化的NoSQL 資料儲存在雲端中的服務,並提供具有無結構描述設計的索引鍵/屬性存放區。


This project provides a set of PHP client libraries that make it easy to access Microsoft Azure Storage Table APIs.

azure table storage Export Data to Flat or XML File for SQL

You can use Azure Storage Explorer. It is free and supported by Microsoft. Browse to the appropriate storage account, click on the table ...

How to download 100 million rows from Azure Table Storage FAST

I have been tasked with downloading around 100 million rows of data from Azure Table Storage. The important thing here being speed.

Azure.Data.Tables 12.10.0

The Azure Tables client library can seamlessly target either Azure Table storage or Azure Cosmos DB table service endpoints with no code changes.


您可以上傳、下載和管理Azure儲存體Blob、檔案、佇列和表格,以及AzureDataLakeStorage實體與Azure受控磁碟。設定儲存體權限和存取控制、階層及規則。立即下載.,DownloadAzureStorageExplorertoday.Upload,download,andmanageAzureStorageblobs,files,queues,andtables,aswellasAzureDataLakeStorage ...,Upload,download,andmanageAzureStorageblobs,files,queues,andtables,aswellasAzureDataLakeStorageentitiesandAzureman...